"Understanding and Alleviating Shoulder Pain: Expert Advice"

"Understanding and Alleviating Shoulder Pain: Expert Advice"

Shoulder Pain

If you're experiencing shoulder pain and aren't sure how to find relief, you've come to the right place. Our mission is to assist you in addressing your shoulder discomfort comprehensively. In this article, we'll delve into what you might be feeling and how to overcome it.

Common Shoulder Pain Symptoms:

- Sharp pain.

- Dull aches, resembling a deep ache or a toothache.

- Difficulty lifting your arm for everyday tasks like combing your hair, putting on a coat, or reaching for items in a cupboard.

- Shooting pain radiating from your shoulder down your arm.

- Burning sensations or tingling.

- A noticeable loss of range of motion.

- Pain extending from the shoulder into the neck.

"Understanding and Alleviating Shoulder Pain: Expert Advice"

Why does my shoulder hurt?

Understanding the Shoulder's Vulnerability:

The shoulder boasts an impressive range of motion, thanks to the intricate network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support it. However, this mobility also renders it susceptible to injuries. You may have heard of the infamous rotator cuff muscles, commonly associated with shoulder problems. These muscles are often injured in contact sports like tennis and badminton, as well as through repetitive activities or manual labour.

Moreover, various diseases and conditions can cause pain in the shoulder, including liver or gallbladder issues, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid conditions, or neck-related conditions.

Shoulder Pain in Older Individuals:

Shoulder pain and related conditions tend to be more prevalent among older individuals. Ageing contributes to the degeneration of tendons and cartilage, making the shoulder more susceptible to injury. Fortunately, there are simple exercises and treatments available to improve shoulder mobility in a pain-free manner.

Questions to Expect from an Osteopath:

During your consultation with an osteopath, you might be asked a series of questions, such as:

- Is the pain localised in one or both shoulders?

- Does the pain radiate to other parts of your body?

- Can you pinpoint the exact location of the pain?

- Do you experience pain at rest?

- Is the pain sharp or a dull ache?

- What movements trigger the pain?

- Did the pain result from an injury, or did it develop gradually?

- Do you experience nighttime pain?

- What worsens or alleviates the pain?

"Understanding and Alleviating Shoulder Pain: Expert Advice"

Osteopathy For Shoulder Pain

Common Shoulder Issues:

Various shoulder problems can affect individuals, including rotator cuff strains, tendinitis, impingement, and more.

What You Should Do:

When dealing with shoulder pain, manual therapy such as osteopathy is an ideal approach. In acute situations, you may consider anti-inflammatory medications, but they should be used sparingly. Cortisone injections should be a last resort. Ideally, they should be avoided, but they may provide relief in specific cases.

For more information on cortisone injections, please refer to our blog on Cortisone injections, ‘‘A Holistic Approach to Pain Relief: Why Choose Osteopathy Over Cortisone Injections’’. You can find the link below.

The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition:

Nutrition plays a significant role in the healing process. Eliminating processed foods, and refined sugars, and choosing organic options can enhance your overall health and aid in shoulder recovery. A well-balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates is essential.

Exercise Matters:

Even if you're not a fan of exercise, dedicating just 5-10 minutes a day can make a substantial difference in your health and pain management. Targeted exercises can kick-start the process of building stronger muscles and healthier joints. Once you're pain-free, you can embark on a more comprehensive fitness regimen.

While motivation might be a challenge initially, it gets easier over time. At Valerian Osteopathy, we provide a rehabilitation app with a wide range of exercises tailored to your condition.

Ready to Begin Your Journey to Pain Relief? Contact Us Today!

"Understanding and Alleviating Shoulder Pain: Expert Advice"

Happy Shoulders


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